How much does a splashback cost?

Want a classy, modern and trendy kitchen? Choose glass as your splashback. It’s such a versatile material. It comes in different textures and colors. You can even add prints to a glass.

So, how much will it cost to install glass splashback?

Installation Cost

A glass is not an easy material to work with if you are not a professional glazier. If you are already spending money on glass splashback, you want to be able to do the install correctly the first time. Initially, glaziers will visit your home to take measurements. A qualified glazier is what you need and cost per hour vary for every glazing company.

The Other Cost Involved

Aside from installation, there are other factors that will add up to the total expense of using glass as a splashback.

  1. The size of the backsplash
  2. Number of glass cuts required, think about the corners and cupboard layout
  3. The type of glass you choose will also matter, think about the type, color & texture
  4. Do you need any power point (also known as GPO) cut-outs? This will be taken into the pricing consideration as there is a small fee for each cut-out
  5. Would you like a custom color or a printing of the local beach on your splashback? The options are endless

So, how much will it cost?

The entry price including installation is from $395 per square meter, there are many variations to consider and best suited. Our estimator will be attending your home to give you the best experience and to select the right splashback for your kitchen.

Are you ready to give your kitchen a new, fresh look? Want to try glass backsplash? Give us a call. We help bring ideas to life!


2 thoughts on “How much does a splashback cost?

  1. Benjamin Andrews says:

    I found it interesting that you state that the size and number of glass cuts required will affect the overall price. My brother is building a house and wants to make sure he uses good materials for his interior. I will send him this information so he can make sure to find the right glass splashbacks for his kitchen.

    • admin says:

      Hi Benjamin, Yes everything is factored into the quoting due to many different outcomes required.

      By using a water-jet cutter, we are charged additionally for each cut and therefore factor that into the quoting. We do try to keep the costs down for every client, however if they have power points or windows to work around, this cannot be helped.

      I wish your brother much happiness whilst he is building his home, I understand this is a very exhausting project (but also very exciting!)

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